Monday, August 9, 2021

Fashion Trends in Vancouver, BC

As many of us know, girls love to wear a chic gown with a pair of sneakers. A statement mini dress with a custom-made crisp white pair is a combination they don’t mind either. Of course, they do love high heels, too, but girls would rather wear those with a pair of jeans and a statement top than with a dress. Why? Simply for love to mix things up. It might not be for everyone, but that is okay. This blog isn’t about how to dress, but surely to inspire you and give you some ideas on how to dress in another way than you thought you wanted to dress. Make yourself do it differently, maybe, even if it is for one time only.

Well, if you ask anyone, there is nothing better – besides the fragrance of a Chanel perfume, the first coffee of the day, and the feel of freshly made bed – than a gown worn with a pair of snickers. I know this is controversial – to some at least – but it is the ultimate statement too!

The concept is not restricted to or limited by only designers – see various Women’s Clothing Store in Vancouver BC – or just search gowns in general; it all comes down to that one simple ‘excitement’ factor that a look needs to have. 

So, either it’s a freaking extravagant pair of sneakers, but with the simplest of simple white summer dress, or that gorgeous gown you haven’t worn after you wore it at your best friend’s wedding – but daresay you wish you could – with a simple pair of white kicks. Even if it is with a pair of Converse, you can rock this look too! And then we change “wish I could” into “I can.”

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